Hey guys! What a time to make a comeback than at the start of the new year!
Its been a while since I had posted on the blog. Last year was a very busy year, so I wasn’t able to post much.
But it is a time for new beginnings. The year 2020 is the #Year of Resplendence. This is the word I had received from the Holy Spirit.
Whether you had a good 2019 or a bad one, whether you are uncertain what this year brings, it is time to start fresh. Lets make an effort to remain in the good place that is in the presence of Christ.
Christian life is a constant process of renewal of the spirit.
Let’s make amends for the mistakes, shortcomings and pitfalls of 2019. Here’s a toast to the goals that made it to the list and the ones that didn’t! Let all the pain, fear, failure and hurt be removed from you by repenting yourselves before Christ Jesus. This is a nice way to start the year. The Bible says christian life is a constant process of renewal of the spirit. Here at Renew Thy Mind, I want to remind you just that!
It is time to get to the next level.
That’s what we are all about.
So let’s take up the challenge to delve deeper in our relationship with Christ.
In case you are not sure how to go about become more spiritually focused this year, here are a few tips on starting this new year with good vibes:
#1 Get Intentional About Glorifying God
Making plans and setting goals is not just about increasing your productivity. It shows that you are serious about seeking intimacy with Christ. Get a diary or a journal and list down the spiritual milestones you wish to achieve this year. It need not be a long list – if it is you can break it down for the next five years. Place that book on your bedstand or any place visible so that you can keep reminding yourself of the goals you have to achieve this year.
#2 Keep a Bible Reading Plan
Reading the Bible is part and parcel of Christian life. But many of us are conveniently skipping this because we “don’t have the time”. Guilty as accused! I have been there myself. So when I realised this, I decided I would follow a Bible reading plan and stick to it. Now, many people may prefer a systematic manner of starting with Genesis and ending with the Book of Revelation, I don’t believe in following a stringent method. You can customise the plan based on your liking; if you are interested in studying the new testament first, then go for it! Likewise, I’d like to focus on specific books and do an exegesis study throughout the year which may take time to finish but it is worth. Remember, the goal is to read the Bible regularly.
#3 Keep a Checklist for Each Day
This is akin to a habit tracker. In this way, you can keep a check of your spiritual habits each day and what you get up to. Lets face it, not every day would be the same so it is important to monitor your spiritual growth every now and then.
#4 Challenge Yourself
Every once in a while, challenge yourself. When you feel like it and when you don’t feel like it (Read my previous blog posts, DRY SPELL SERIES: 3 THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE IT and SWITCH ON YOUR BEAST MODE!) Why? because it is important to get to the next level. God does not intend us to be stagnant in our Christian lives. Our flesh tries to keep us in the comfort zone most of the time by being pessimistic and idle but if we want to live according to the Holy Spirit, we must be ready to embrace the uncomfortable.
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
Galatians 5:16, 17 (NKJV)
Okay, so what are you waiting for? Try it out and let me know how this has helped you by the end of this year!
God bless 🙂